Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift?

The neck experiences many types of stress over time. While fully exposed to the elements, just like your face, it usually gets none of the care (or sun protection) the face receives. Your neck muscles move your head countless times a day, causing them to weaken. A neck lift can rejuvenate the neck, jaw, and chin for a more sculpted, youthful appearance

What is a Neck Lift? 

If the appearance of your neck bothers you, a neck lift offers an effective solution. A neck lift removes excess skin and fat to lift and tighten the neck while sculpting your neck, chin, and jawline. Accumulated fat under your chin rarely responds to a healthy lifestyle, but a neck lift can eliminate it. It can also eliminate excess skin and tighten loose or separated neck muscles. A more shapely neck and contoured chin and jaw help your features look more youthful and defined. 

Am I a Candidate for a Neck Lift?

You may be a good candidate for a neck lift if you have no significant health problems and reasonable expectations. Your Specialty Aesthetic Surgery surgeon meets with you before your procedure to ensure you know what to expect. Ideal candidates have excess skin, fat around the neck area, and poor skin laxity. Specific health issues may affect whether you can have a neck lift. Good candidates plan to take the necessary time to recuperate after surgery. 

How Does a Neck Lift Work?

Your surgeon performs a neck lift by making small incisions hidden behind the ears and under the chin. He can tighten loose skin and remove any excess through these small incisions. He can also lift and repair the neck muscles, giving you a more contoured, shapely neck and chin. If you have accumulated fat, your surgeon may use liposuction to remove it. The procedure may be performed under IV sedation or general anesthesia. 

Do I Need to Prepare for a Neck Lift?

Your surgeon may give you instructions to get ready for your neck lift. Following these instructions will lower your risk of side effects and help you heal more quickly. Your surgeon might instruct you to:

  • Stop smoking and avoid second-hand smoke at least four weeks before and after your procedure since smoking impairs healing
  • Avoid certain supplements and NSAIDs like aspirin that can increase bleeding during or after surgery
  • Adjust other medications as instructed
  • Take care of your skin and avoid too much sun exposure to keep your nose healthy

Make sure that during your consultation, you discuss all medications, prescription and over-the-counter, and all supplements you take. You should also discuss any health problems or allergies and if you have ever had a reaction to anesthesia in the past. 

How Much Does a Neck Lift Cost?

The price of a neck lift varies depending on your provider and where they are located. Your cost will also depend on the complexity of your procedure and whether the surgeon also performs liposuction. A consultation will provide you with an accurate estimate. 

Do I Need a Facelift or a Neck Lift?

A facelift corrects sagging and signs of aging in the mid-face area, such as the cheeks. If lines and wrinkles around the cheeks and mouth bother you, a facelift can help. A facelift or neck lift can work independently, but many people combine them. Your surgeon will recommend this if he thinks a full mid-face to neck rejuvenation will work best to give you the results you hope for. Procedures also combined with a neck lift include chin augmentation, rhinoplasty, and liposuction. 

What is Recovery Like After a Neck Lift?

You can expect some bruising and swelling after surgery, depending on the type of procedure performed. Your surgeon will give you aftercare instructions to manage your discomfort and help you heal. Most people start to feel better after a few days. You can usually return to work after five days to two weeks. A physically active job requires more recovery before returning to full duty. Swelling may take several weeks to resolve completely. 

What Results Will I See With a Neck Lift?

You will see improved contours and less sagging immediately after your procedure. Your final results take several weeks or even months to appear. Results include a tighter, smoother neck and a more defined chin and jaw. Most people feel like they look years younger. You can expect your results to last at least ten to fifteen years and often more. Choosing a board-certified surgeon like those at SAS will help make sure you love your results. 

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

Want to learn more about neck lifts? Schedule your consultation or by calling Specialty Aesthetic Surgery at (212) 737-8700. We look forward to working with you!

Specialty Aesthetic Surgery serves the greater NYC metro area.

About our Surgeons

Bruce Moskowitz is an experienced and board-certified oculoplastic surgeon. His practice encompasses all areas of oculoplastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He has a well-known reputation for revision surgery, and a large portion of his practice comes from other colleagues to revise sub-optimal outcomes.

Grigoriy Mashkevich is an experienced and double-board certified facial plastic surgeon. He belongs to a highly select group of surgeons with a focused specialization in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose, face, and neck. 

*Individual results may vary.

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