How Much Do Facial Implants Cost?

Your face is as unique as you are, from the size of your nose to the angle of your jaw. While there is no one perfect look, certain facial features and qualities are especially important to create balance and symmetry. Facial implants are a great way to enhance facial contours, emphasize your best features, or restore lost facial volume. And unlike dermal fillers, they last a lifetime!

What are Facial Implants?

Facial implants are a type of cosmetic surgery that enhance the appearance of facial features. They are designed to augment specific areas of the face, such as the cheeks, chin, or jawline, to create a more balanced and symmetrical look. The implants can be made from a variety of materials, most often medical-grade silicone.

Facial implants are often used to address aesthetic concerns such as a weak or receding chin, a flat or sagging cheekbone, or a poorly defined jawline. They can also be used to correct facial asymmetry, such as when one side of the face is more prominent than the other. For some people, facial implants are simply a way to enhance their best features.

How Much Do Facial Implants Cost?

The cost of facial implants varies widely based on a number of factors, including the type of implant used, the extent of the procedure, and the geographic location of the surgeon. Patients who live in areas with a high cost of living can expect to pay more, and your surgeon’s experience will also affect the price. Choosing the right surgeon is crucial to achieving your best results, however.

Different types of implants will have different prices. Some implants may also require more complicated surgery, and anesthesia or facility fees may also affect the cost. At Specialty Aesthetic Surgery, we tailor each procedure to the patient’s needs. During your consultation, we will be able to assess your concerns to create a treatment plan and give you an accurate quote.

What Types of Facial Implants Are Available?

Several types of facial implants are available, each designed to address specific areas of the face. Some of the most common types of facial implants include:

  • Chin implants: These implants are designed to enhance a weak or receding chin, creating a more defined and balanced profile. Chin augmentation can also correct the appearance of a double chin.
  • Cheek implants: For patients seeking the contoured appearance of defined cheekbones, cheek implants may be the answer. Augmenting the cheeks can also create a rounder face shape for a more youthful and symmetrical appearance.
  • Jaw implants: Jaw implants are designed to create a more prominent and defined jawline, helping to balance the proportions of the face and improve the facial profile.

Facial Implant Procedure

During your consultation, one of our surgeons will evaluate your facial features, discuss your desired outcome, and determine which type of implant is best suited for your needs and facial structure. 

A facial implant procedure typically involves making small incisions in the skin and inserting the implant into the desired area. Implants are often placed through incisions in the mouth, though cheek implants may sometimes use incisions in the lower eyelid or within the hairline. Once the implant is placed, the incisions are closed with sutures or surgical tape.

Recovery after facial implants is fairly fast and simple. We typically recommend taking up to a week off of work to rest and heal. During this time, you can expect some swelling and bruising, but we’ll give you instructions on managing any discomfort. Full recovery can take several weeks, and we may recommend avoiding strenuous activities for a month or more.

Facial Implants Results

Swelling after your procedure may obscure your results, though most patients can see immediate improvements from their implants. You’ll be able to see your full results within a few weeks as the swelling subsides.

Facial implants are designed to last a lifetime, permanently enhancing your facial balance and contour. When properly placed by an experienced surgeon, facial implants shouldn’t move or sag and will continue to look natural as you age.

Am I a Candidate for Facial Implants?

If you have a weak jawline, receding chin, flat cheekbones, or are lacking facial volume, facial implants may be the solution. Ideal candidates are overall healthy and have realistic expectations for the procedure. We’ll discuss your goals during your consultation and create a customized treatment plan to meet them. 

We may also recommend additional or alternative treatments, such as dermal fillers or a fat transfer. Dermal fillers are ideal for patients seeking a temporary, non-surgical alternative, while a facial fat transfer can provide more subtle results using your own fat.

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

Want to learn more about facelifts? Schedule your consultation online or by calling Specialty Aesthetic Surgery at (212) 737-8700. We look forward to working with you!

Specialty Aesthetic Surgery serves the greater NYC metro area.

About Our Surgeons

Bruce Moskowitz is an experienced oculoplastic surgeon. His practice encompasses all areas of oculoplastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He has a well-known reputation for revision surgery, and a large portion of his practice comes from other colleagues to revise sub-optimal outcomes.

Grigoriy Mashkevich is an experienced and double-board certified facial plastic surgeon. He belongs to a highly select group of surgeons with a focused specialization in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose, face, and neck. 

Dr. Anna Frants is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who is experienced in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Her areas of surgical specialty include the face, neck, nose, eyelids, eyebrows, and ears. 

*Individual results may vary.  


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