How Long Does a Brow Lift Last?

Your brows are one of the most important parts of non-verbal communication. We raise our eyebrows in surprise, crease our foreheads in concern, and many other motions. At the same time, collagen loss causes skin laxity, resulting in drooping brows and forehead lines. A brow lift corrects these age-related changes to restore a youthful, alert appearance. This procedure can rejuvenate the upper part of the face to help you look noticeably more relaxed and energized. 

What is a Brow Lift or Forehead Lift?

A brow lift or forehead lift corrects your concerns with your upper face area. This rejuvenating procedure addresses many issues, including:

  • Lift sagging brows
  • Smooth forehead lines
  • Tighten loose skin
  • Restore a youthful brow arch
  • Correct a “hooded” appearance of the eyes

This procedure tightens skin and underlying structures to achieve a naturally refreshed look. It addresses the upper face, an area neglected by facelifts, and erases many bothersome signs of aging. 

How is a Brow Lift Performed?

A brow lift can be performed in one of two ways. A traditional or open brow lift uses incisions hidden in the hairline. Your Specialty Aesthetic Surgery team uses this method for those with significant skin laxity, a receding hairline, or very droopy brows. They usually perform an endoscopic brow lift with smaller incisions and less recovery time. An endoscopic brow lift provides excellent results for most people. However, only a consultation can determine which procedure will provide your desired results. 

How Long Does a Brow Lift Last?

If you are considering an aesthetic surgery procedure, you will most likely want to know how long your results will last. The results of a brow lift will typically last at least ten to fifteen years. You will still experience the effects of aging, including collagen loss and gravity. 

You can prolong your brow lift results in several ways.

  • Wear sunscreen and avoid sun exposure
  • Try a neuromodulator like Botox® if recommended
  • Use dermatologist-approved skincare products
  • Consider non-invasive treatments to keep skin smooth and firm

Even if you experience signs of aging many years after your brow lift, you will still look younger and more refreshed than you would if you had never had the procedure. Some people may choose to have a touch-up procedure. Others are satisfied with their results for a lifetime. Each person’s experience will differ, with some people preferring a more dramatically lifted appearance than others. 

What is Recovery Like After a Brow Lift?

You can expect swelling, bruising, and soreness for several days after your procedure. We will help you manage this with medication and cold compresses. Most people return to work in one to two weeks. Avoid strenuous activities for at least three weeks. The length of your recovery depends on the type of forehead lift. A traditional procedure has a longer recovery than an endoscopic one. 

Do I Need a Brow Lift or an Eyelid Lift?

If you have concerns about your eye area, you may wonder if a brow lift or eyelid lift will help you achieve your goals. An eyelid lift addresses loose or sagging eyelids, puffy undereye bags, and other signs of aging that make you look tired. Sagging eyelids and drooping brows can both make your eyes look hooded and tired. Your surgeon will assess your eye area and recommend the best procedure or combination of procedures to meet your needs. 

A forehead lift also combines well with procedures like a facelift. A facelift addresses the middle and lower face. Combining it with a brow lift provides full facial rejuvenation and a lifted refreshed appearance. Discuss all your concerns with your surgeon and learn about your surgical and non-surgical options for addressing them. 

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

Most healthy adults make good candidates for a brow lift. Ideal candidates want to address mild to severe drooping brows and heaviness around the eyes. Candidates should be non-smokers with reasonable expectations. You may not be a good candidate if you have certain medical conditions that might make surgery unsafe. You should not have a brow lift while you are pregnant or have an active skin condition in the area.

What Results Will I See After a Brow Lift?

You will see a difference immediately after your procedure. However, your brows may look asymmetrical or too high on your forehead for the first week or two. These changes result from swelling and will improve as you heal. Most people start to see their desired results within a few weeks. Your results can continue to evolve for several months after your procedure. 

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

Want to learn more about brow lifts? Schedule your consultation online or by calling Specialty Aesthetic Surgery at (212) 737-8700. We look forward to working with you!

Specialty Aesthetic Surgery serves the greater NYC metro area.

About Our Surgeons

Bruce Moskowitz is an experienced and board-certified oculoplastic surgeon. His practice encompasses all areas of oculoplastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He has a well-known reputation for revision surgery, and a large portion of his practice comes from other colleagues to revise sub-optimal outcomes.

Grigoriy Mashkevich is an experienced and double-board certified facial plastic surgeon. He belongs to a highly select group of surgeons with a focused specialization in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose, face, and neck. 

Dr. Anna Frants is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who is experienced in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Her areas of expertise include surgery of the face, neck, nose, eyelids, eyebrows, and ears. 

*Individual results may vary. 

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