How Long Does Swelling Last After a Brow Lift?

As we age, the skin on our forehead and around our eyebrows begins to sag and lose elasticity. This can lead to a tired or angry appearance, even when we feel perfectly fine. Fortunately, a brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, offers long-lasting and natural-looking rejuvenation to keep you looking younger for longer. 

What is a Brow Lift?

A brow lift is a surgical procedure that aims to rejuvenate the upper third of the face by lifting and tightening the skin and muscles on the forehead and around the eyebrows. The goal is to create a more youthful, refreshed appearance by reducing the appearance of wrinkles, lines, and sagging skin.

Sometimes called a forehead lift, a brow lift addresses the area above the eyebrows and will not change the eyelids or eye area. Patients with sagging or excess skin around the eyes may benefit from an eyelid lift instead of or in combination with their brow lift.

How Much Downtime Will I Need After a Brow Lift?

After the surgery, patients can expect to experience some swelling, bruising, and discomfort around the eyes and forehead. This is normal and should subside over the first few days following the procedure. We will prescribe pain medication if necessary and instruct you on managing discomfort and swelling with ice packs. 

Most patients take one to two weeks off of work. We typically recommend avoiding strenuous activities for at least two weeks and avoiding activities that could put pressure on the forehead for up to six weeks. You should also avoid wearing tight hats or headbands during the healing process.

The length of the recovery period can vary depending on the individual patient and the extent of the surgery. Recovery is often longer for a coronal brow lift than an endoscopic procedure. However, most patients can expect to fully recover and resume normal activities within four to six weeks following the procedure.

How Long Does Swelling Last After a Brow Lift?

It’s normal for the initial swelling after your surgery to be significant and obscure your results. Some patients may notice their eyebrows are slightly asymmetrical or appear too high, but this is a normal side effect of the swelling and will soon subside. 

The most visible swelling after your brow lift will fade within two to three weeks. By this time, you will be able to see improvements from the procedure, though it may be a few weeks before your eyebrows settle into their final position. It can take a few months for swelling to resolve completely after surgery.

Brow Lift Procedure

There are two main types of brow lift procedures: the traditional or “coronal” brow lift and the endoscopic brow lift. The traditional brow lift involves making a long incision across the top of the head, from ear to ear, and lifting the forehead skin and underlying tissues. This technique is typically reserved for patients with more significant signs of aging or those with very low-set eyebrows.

The endoscopic brow lift, on the other hand, requires only small incisions in the scalp and using an endoscope, a tiny camera on the end of a thin tube, to guide the surgery. This technique is less invasive, resulting in less scarring and a quicker recovery time. However, it may not be suitable for all patients, depending on the extent of the lifting required.

Most brow lifts are performed under general anesthesia, which means the patient is asleep during the surgery. The surgery typically takes between one and two hours, depending on the technique used and the extent of the lifting required.

Brow Lift Results

The results of a brow lift can be quite dramatic, with a noticeable improvement in the appearance of the forehead and eyebrows. Patients can expect to look more refreshed, youthful, and alert following the surgery. Results typically become visible within a couple of weeks as swelling fades, and these will continue to improve over the next few months.

A brow lift is not permanent, but the results often last up to 10 years. To maintain your rejuvenated appearance, we may recommend non-surgical treatments like Botox® after a few years. Using sunscreen and practicing healthy habits to prevent skin laxity will also help preserve your brow lift results.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift?

If you are overall healthy and have realistic expectations for the surgery, you are likely a good candidate for a brow lift. Generally, a brow lift can benefit individuals who have:

  • Sagging or drooping eyebrows
  • Deep furrows between the eyebrows
  • Horizontal forehead lines
  • Naturally low-set brow
  • Loose, sagging skin around the forehead

Take the Next Step – Request a Consultation

Want to learn more about facelifts? Schedule your consultation online or by calling Specialty Aesthetic Surgery at (212) 737-8700. We look forward to working with you!

Specialty Aesthetic Surgery serves the greater NYC metro area.

About Our Surgeons

Bruce Moskowitz is an experienced oculoplastic surgeon. His practice encompasses all areas of oculoplastic cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. He has a well-known reputation for revision surgery, and a large portion of his practice comes from other colleagues to revise sub-optimal outcomes.

Grigoriy Mashkevich is an experienced and double-board certified facial plastic surgeon. He belongs to a highly select group of surgeons with a focused specialization in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery of the nose, face, and neck. 

Dr. Anna Frants is a board-certified facial plastic surgeon who is experienced in cosmetic and reconstructive surgery. Her areas of surgical specialty include the face, neck, nose, eyelids, eyebrows, and ears. 

*Individual results may vary. 

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